provides personalized industrial hygiene, safety, and environmental consulting services. We use a common sense approach and innovative methods to develop solutions for your concerns while conserving your capital. We pride ourselves in giving you unsurpassed service, a quick response time, and a clear and detailed final report.
HM offers a variety of comprehensive health and safety services. These include industrial hygiene, safety, environmental, asbestos and lead management, indoor air quality, training and written compliance Programs.
Many hidden health hazards exist in occupational environments. Our certified industrial hygienists (CIH’s) possess an outstanding ability to identify, evaluate, and recommend controls to manage chemical, physical and biological hazards present in your workplace.
Employers and business owners must properly manage asbestos-containing materials and lead based paints to prevent employee or occupant exposure. This generally requires that you abate the materials or manage them in place. Our Cal/OSHA certified asbestos consultants (CAC’s) and EPA accredited lead consultants will successfully help you manage your projects.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has long recognized concerns associated with indoor air quality. Good indoor air quality will enhance your employee’s health and comfort and increase their productivity. Our experienced professionals will help you improve air quality by identifying problem sources and recommending solutions.
Federal and state OSHA require that written programs and employee training be an integral part of compliance for specific regulations. Our knowledgeable stall will develop a program that is easily implemented and will provide long-lasting value to you and your employees.
IHM’s staff has diverse experience working in many industries including:
We have performed numerous comprehensive industrial hygiene and safety surveys, indoor and air quality evaluations, and asbestos and lead building surveys. We have also developed and assisted in the implementation of written compliance programs.
Each member of IHM’s team has received specialized health and safety training, which enables us to offer you the highest quality technical service. Many of our professionals have advanced degrees, and specific credentials such as Certified Industrial Hygienists, Certified Safety Professionals, Certified Asbestos, Lead and Mold Consultants.
Your project will be managed by an individual representative to insure a direct line of communication. Our personalized approach is one of the many reasons our clients continue to return for our services.